Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jalan-jalan di Doota

Nampaknya Mama (Deb) telah berkesempatan untuk berjalan-jalan di Doota pada waktu malam selepas selesai conference. Harap Mama enjoy di sana.

Semoga conference ini memberi input yang berguna


Wan Adibah-JCAE 2010

Dah beli apa tu?

Sementara itu keadaan di Wellington terkawal dan baik. Imran dan Ainul telah pulih dari Chicken Pox. Mereka juga mendapat makanan 3 kali sehari. InsyaAllah, weekend ini kami akan pergi fruit picking di Otaki dan bermain di Lindale Park. Selain itu, semalam Mr. Papa bawa anak-anak ke PakNSave untuk beli barang keperluan. Yang menariknya, semasa dalam kereta Imran dan Ainul asyik berpesan, "Papa, you can't marry another woman". Saya terkejut mendengar pesanan itu. Saya tanyakan "kenapa." Mereka berdua memberi justifikasi panjang bersilih ganti antara Imran dan Ainul. Saya ketawa kecil mendengar hujah anak-anak budak berumur 5 dan 6 tahun. Mereka berdua sebenarnya hanyalah menjalankan amanah dan pesanan Mama mereka. He He.


  1. Hehe..comel ah diorang...
    Anak-anak yang baik..dengar cakap mama :)

  2. baguih sungguh Deb pesan kat anak2 dia.. hahaha..

  3. Hehe. yang kelakar tu, ialah kedua-duanya bersungguh-sungguh ..

  4. hihihi.. bagus- bagus...mesti bersungguh-sungguh macam diorang nyanyi lagu nih dalam kereta..

    Who should I give my love to?
    My respect and my honor to
    Who should I pay good mind to?
    After Allah
    And Rasulullah

    Comes your mother
    Who next? Your mother
    Who next? Your mother
    And then your father

    Cause who used to hold you
    And clean you and clothes you
    Who used to feed you?
    And always be with you
    When you were sick
    Stay up all night
    Holding you tight
    That's right no other
    Your mother (My mother)

    Who should I take good care of?
    Giving all my love
    Who should I think most of?
    After Allah
    And Rasulullah

    Comes your mother
    Who next? Your mother
    Who next? Your mother
    And then your father

    Cause who used to hear you
    Before you could talk
    Who used to hold you?
    Before you could walk
    And when you fell who picked you up
    Clean your cut
    No one but your mother
    My mother

    Who should I stay rigt close to?
    Listen most to
    Never say no to
    After Allah
    And Rasulullah

    Comes your mother
    Who next? Your mother
    Who next? Your mother
    And then your father

    Cause who used to hug you
    And buy you new clothes
    Comb your hair
    And blow your nose
    And when you cry
    Who wiped your tears?
    Knows your fears
    Who really cares?
    My mother

    Say Alhamdulillah
    Thank you Allah
    Thank you Allah
    For my mother.
